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"It was one of the best"


It was one of the best - it seems you are getting better and better.  Liberty is still the Matriarch of your series.  I'm amazed how you have made the characters come alive.  You kept me in suspense until the last page.  I loved Thad, Ginger and Chloe.  Keep up the great stories..  Love, Jo Ann.  from CA

"Comments on Anne's Wedding Bargain"


Hello Mary Ann:  Remember, before you read this, that you asked for my comments ---

1st, I have not read it yet as I was finishing up reading the book, Endurance, by Scott Kelly -- the astronaut who spent a year in space.  Very interesting.

So, Jo Ann started reading your book -- on Friday and here it is Monday and she just finished it.  (She has had a cold and lots of naps to help get over that.)  Meanwhile, she has not cooked any meals for me and I am starving!  All she has done is read your book.  It's like I am not even here.  Horrible.  I am so hungry.   So, I already have a bias when I start reading your book. 😇

Jo Ann really liked the book!  She basically could not put it down, not even to cook dinner for me.

--Bill from Palo Alto, CA




I loved, loved, loved "Tory's Father".
I kept reading faster and faster to find out how it ended. But now, I'm sad because it ended!!!
Just wanted you to know how wonderful it is...and what a wonderful author you are. I know God is smiling at you! 

Love ya,

Cathy (from Yakima, WA)
PS....I'm ready for the next one!!!  


"Anne's Wedding Bargain"


Anne's Wedding Bargain is on its way! I do more writing than marketing! My 9th book, Maggie's Redemption will be out this spring, and I'm a quarter of the way through my 10th name yet. Thank you all for your patience! I am working on my blogging skills and hope to do better. May this day you feel wrapped in the arms of a Savior Who loves you and sacrificed all that you may have life!



"Cady's Legacy"


Wow...I am so bad about blogging...I really need to improve! Here's an update on what's been happening!

Cady's Legacy is 7th book. I can scarcely believe I've written the 8th, which will be called, The Wedding Bargain, unless I change it to fit the format of the others...i.e. Anne's Wedding Bargain or maybe just Anne's Bargain. I am nearly finished with book 9 which will be called Maggie's Redemption.

I went back to before Liberty hired Maggie...actually to Maggie's birth in Ireland. Readers will enjoy it, I'm sure. A few of the scenes are parallels of Liberty's Inheritance because some of Maggie's story is, of course, tied up with Liberty.

Blessings to all of you...mak


Christmas is nearly here!


Christmas is nearly here. Amid all the bustle of getting ready for family, I'm sitting here contemplating the fact that I love God, but not nearly the way I should. I think about my failures and lack of good sense...comments I've made that would have been better unsaid. It is a truism that none of us love enough. As I think about this, I realize the greatest truth in the universe is not that I love God, but that He loves me. God's very nature is love. I do not work to get is simply there. I do try to be a delight to Him...He who gave His son to this world that we might know more of who He is. He who created a path for us to enjoy fellowship. All that He is, is ours...He is love. My prayer this morning is that I can be love to those around me, that I can be a reflection of that perfect love that He is.

And My people


This morning I was reading from Jeremiah 31. I came to verse 14 and read from the second part of the verse:  "'And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness,' declares the Lord."  It brought to my mind how many times we yearn for the things of this earth...and nothing brings satisfaction. God has designed us to worship...we have an innate nature of wanting to worship, but we have replaced the worship of God the Creator, to things created or ideas contrary to God.

This day, I would ask you to keep God foremost in your thoughts. Meditate on Him day and night as His word tells us to do. The fulfillment of self comes from God...let us worship Him in spirit and in truth.

"Focus on God"


We were designed to fully function when we love God first, above all things. There are so many things clamoring for our attention, but our first allegiance is to God, and Him alone. Our self tries to break in and take over. I find that when I focus on God and stand at the cross and the sacrifices made for me, I am in awe of such love. I want to love God like that.

"New book this fall"


Hello to my readers! I've just begun book nine which will be named Maggie's Redemption. It goes back to Maggie's birth and travels to America. If you remember, Maggie was Liberty's maid turned friend in Liberty's Inheritance. Book seven is in the works and will be sent to editing quite soon. It's a really good read and will be out this fall...Watch for it!

"Just Love your books Mary Ann Kerr"


I have been reading Eden's portion and this book grabs you as soon as you start reading. I love the characters and glad to see the old characters are in this book as well. It's like a mini series. Just love your books Mary Ann Kerr. I think I know who did the dirty deed and I think I know what is going to happen to Eden. Can't wait to see if I am right. Keep up the great work, and looking forward to the next book. I will be giving this book like the others a 5 star. A must read. God bless.

Catherine L. from Yakima, WA

" I did not figure out the culprit beforehand"


Hello Mary Ann: I just finished reading Eden’s Portion and I will have to admit that I did not figure out the culprit beforehand.  Interesting because I usually have a very good idea who did it.  How did you do that?  I must be slipping.  Jo Ann is reading the book now.

And, as always you make me use Webster’s Dictionary – 7 times this book.  I usually have a clue but the way you use the words I always look it up to make sure I have the correct meaning based on the complete sentence.  Usually the words are not in my day-to-day vocabulary.  Oh well, I enjoy them.

Fash = (page ??)   pulchritudinous – (page 31)    arrant boor – (page 153)    quint – (page 156) bibelots – (page 190)   minxish – (page 215)    inimical – (page 225)

Thanks for writing.  Keep it up.

All is well,

Bill (From Palo Alto, CA)

"Tory's Father" Wow!



Brenda Wofford Grosz

May 3 at 11:44am


Just finished Torys Father - what a gift you have. I didn't put the book down until I finished it! Wow!

Thanks brenda...I give God all the glory for the creativity! He is so good!



Finished Eden's Portion. Almost figured out "who done it" Great book and spelll binding

Mary F from Spokane, WA

"I couldn't put it down"


Hi Mary Ann,

This is Lorie from the Escalon Golf Course. Just wanted you to know how very much I enjoyed your book! I couldn't put it down...absolutely loved it! Just ordered the next 2 in the series! It was such a blessing for Jonathan and I to meet you. Your joy for the Lord is contagious and has truly stayed with us. Can't wait to read the next books. I'm passing them along to my sisters. Thank you for sharing your love of the Lord and your wonderful book!
Love, Lorie from Escalon, CA





Hi Mary, (March 8th) 

Just wanted to write a few lines to thank you, again, for the generous gift of your first book.

 I finished the book I was reading, and started on yours.  Even though I am only into it about 100 pages so far, I am thoroughly enjoying it.  Most of the time, I feel like I am taking that ride with Liberty and Maggie to California.  You have a wonderful way of description without being overdone.  Many authors use SO MUCH descriptive phrases, that I get bored and skip it…..not you.  For me, it is just the right amount….enough so that I am thoroughly entwined in the story and surroundings, but not so much that I am bored with it.

 Your characters are so believable. For example, I feel like I know Mr. Humphries so well.

 And, I love the scripture at the beginning of the chapters.  I try to figure out what will happen by the verses you use. J

 I’ll close now (or this will be a book in itself….haha).  Just wanted you to know that when I have to lay the book down, I anticipate the time when I can pick it up again.  And, now I’m excited about the whole series.  We’ll be driving at least 6,000 miles this summer, so I feel a Liberty marathon coming!!!   LOL

 Thanks again so much, Mary.  God definitely blessed you with the gift of writing.


(Hi Mary, just finished the book. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!!! March 11th) 



" I am editing Eden's Portion right now"


I am editing Eden's Portion right now, right now this very second. I needed to end my editing year on a high note, and when I was determining which manuscript would give me that, it wasn't hard. Eden's Portion won by a large margin. So I cleared off every other manuscript and started Eden's Portion last week. It's my last one this year! And I'm so excited that I get to wind down my amazing year with this book.

You've done some great things with Eden's Portion that you haven't done in any of the other books. You'll see where I note this in comments too, but one night, I was editing merrily along. Eight o'clock rolled around, and I thought, I'm getting tired. I should probably stop...and then WHAM! I was like, what? What has she done? I could not stop editing. You've taken a different mystery track with this one, and it's good. Really good. And that Eden...she's a bit of firecracker, that one. And I love Adam. And those young men's parent...whew! It's just a great story line, and I can see a bit of evolution in your writing style. You're really upping the stakes and the suspense, and it's creating an amazing effect. Mary Ann...truly, nicely done!

So here I am on this wintery, snowy morning, enjoying my cup of coffee (okay, mocha. I don't drink coffee straight), editing what will probably be the best story I've edited all year (as much as I loved Tory's Father, and you know I did, you've taken your writing to the next level with Eden's Portion). Can life get any better? I'm thinking it can't. Thanks for giving me this experience!

I'm taking my time and enjoying every minute of it. The tension is so high, even when the conflict ebbs a bit (a room description, say), I can't wait to see what's around the corner.

So, no, not too busy at all. Just savoring this story. I hope you don't mind!

Your friend and the most avid reader of your fiction,

"Christmas way!"


I have to say, I love this post...Bill, although I've never met him, has become a real fan...and so has his wife! :)

Mary Ann:  A very special "thank you" for accomplishing something that has eluded me for the past 55 years.  I was getting ready to go out and about and Jo Ann was reading your latest book, Troy's Father.  I asked if she wanted to go shopping with me and she said "no".  I about fainted and checked to see if she had her hearing aids in and heard me correctly.  She said she was intrigued and engrossed in the book and could not put it down to go shopping.  Whaaaatt???  That is a first.

Well, I picked myself up off the floor and quickly left the house.  What is going on?  Jo Ann did not want to go shopping?  That must be some book you have written.

I will read it after Christmas.  All the best to you,

Bill Taylor

"Tory's Father is on order!!"


Tory's Father is completed and approved for printing! I am so excited to be able to offer another book before Christmas! Although the price on my site lists the books at $19.99, I've dropped the price on all the books to a flat $15.00 no tax. Shipping usually costs $5.65 to $5.95. I am pumped as I just completed the approval of printing Tory's Father. I should have them by the 5th of December! Tory's Father is my fifth book and a stand alone. I had thought to not include Liberty, but she pops up midway through the book and plays an important role, of course. What's fun for readers of my A Woman of Entitlement series is that in this book Liberty is only 21 and married to the contemptible Armand Bouvier...the year is 1875. Enjoy...enjoy!!!