Mary Ann Kerr
Hi there...just a few facts about me. Born in Tacoma, Washington, I was the youngest of five. My mother was deaf and my father would turn off his hearing aid as he came into the house from work. It could get very noisy and no one cared! I pretty much lived a Huck Finn existence until my father died in May when I was six. We five children were taken from my mom because in those days any disability was considered incompetent. My mother died Christmas Eve of that same year. (I could talk with my hands until I was about eight...if you don't use it, you lose it!) Living with an aunt for eight years, she died when I was fourteen. So...I then lived with a minister and his family through high school. I've lived in Fife, Carnation, Issaquah and Yakima in WA. I have lived in Hayward, Fremont, and Navato, CA., and I have lived in Portland, OR. Can you believe I've lived in Lubbock, TX, Denver, CO, Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada, Rantoul, IL, Frankfurt, Germany, Omaha, NE, Hald Ege, Denmark, and back to Yakima, WA. I can speak a little German, better Danish and a very little Spanish, although I can read some of it and understand some of what I'm reading.
I have four sons and twelve grandchildren. Happily married to Philip, a retired Air Force Officer, we have a small orchard that is fast becoming a big garden. Various hobbies keep us very busy. My favorite thing to do, besides writing, is having people over to dinner, lunch or even breakfast. This Christmas I had 36 for sit down's fun. (homemade cinnamon rolls...yummie!)
We have a female yellow Labrador, named Buttercup, and a male Schnauzer named Shotzi...they are an entertainment center and love having the freedom of the orchard, checking out all kinds of smells.
I love going to our church and fellowshipping with people of all ages. We are a growing body of believers, focused on involvement in the community. Life is all about choices, and I choose to live for Christ!
I've had the privilege of being the main speaker at several women's retreats as well as speaking at women's luncheons. I love ministering to women and one of my goals is that women will have the opportunity to draw closer to God through reading not only a good story, but also seeing the depth of relationship some of the characters have with God and each other. My prayer is for you to realize the love and intimate concern Jesus has for you. May you know you were created to worship and enjoy Him forever.
I pray,too, we can be a reflection of His Glory!