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"Christmas way!"


I have to say, I love this post...Bill, although I've never met him, has become a real fan...and so has his wife! :)

Mary Ann:  A very special "thank you" for accomplishing something that has eluded me for the past 55 years.  I was getting ready to go out and about and Jo Ann was reading your latest book, Troy's Father.  I asked if she wanted to go shopping with me and she said "no".  I about fainted and checked to see if she had her hearing aids in and heard me correctly.  She said she was intrigued and engrossed in the book and could not put it down to go shopping.  Whaaaatt???  That is a first.

Well, I picked myself up off the floor and quickly left the house.  What is going on?  Jo Ann did not want to go shopping?  That must be some book you have written.

I will read it after Christmas.  All the best to you,

Bill Taylor