" I did not figure out the culprit beforehand"
Hello Mary Ann: I just finished reading Eden’s Portion and I will have to admit that I did not figure out the culprit beforehand. Interesting because I usually have a very good idea who did it. How did you do that? I must be slipping. Jo Ann is reading the book now.
And, as always you make me use Webster’s Dictionary – 7 times this book. I usually have a clue but the way you use the words I always look it up to make sure I have the correct meaning based on the complete sentence. Usually the words are not in my day-to-day vocabulary. Oh well, I enjoy them.
Fash = (page ??) pulchritudinous – (page 31) arrant boor – (page 153) quint – (page 156) bibelots – (page 190) minxish – (page 215) inimical – (page 225)
Thanks for writing. Keep it up.
All is well,
Bill (From Palo Alto, CA)