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Hi Mary, (March 8th) 

Just wanted to write a few lines to thank you, again, for the generous gift of your first book.

 I finished the book I was reading, and started on yours.  Even though I am only into it about 100 pages so far, I am thoroughly enjoying it.  Most of the time, I feel like I am taking that ride with Liberty and Maggie to California.  You have a wonderful way of description without being overdone.  Many authors use SO MUCH descriptive phrases, that I get bored and skip it…..not you.  For me, it is just the right amount….enough so that I am thoroughly entwined in the story and surroundings, but not so much that I am bored with it.

 Your characters are so believable. For example, I feel like I know Mr. Humphries so well.

 And, I love the scripture at the beginning of the chapters.  I try to figure out what will happen by the verses you use. J

 I’ll close now (or this will be a book in itself….haha).  Just wanted you to know that when I have to lay the book down, I anticipate the time when I can pick it up again.  And, now I’m excited about the whole series.  We’ll be driving at least 6,000 miles this summer, so I feel a Liberty marathon coming!!!   LOL

 Thanks again so much, Mary.  God definitely blessed you with the gift of writing.


(Hi Mary, just finished the book. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!!! March 11th)