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"Cady's Legacy"


Wow...I am so bad about blogging...I really need to improve! Here's an update on what's been happening!

Cady's Legacy is 7th book. I can scarcely believe I've written the 8th, which will be called, The Wedding Bargain, unless I change it to fit the format of the others...i.e. Anne's Wedding Bargain or maybe just Anne's Bargain. I am nearly finished with book 9 which will be called Maggie's Redemption.

I went back to before Liberty hired Maggie...actually to Maggie's birth in Ireland. Readers will enjoy it, I'm sure. A few of the scenes are parallels of Liberty's Inheritance because some of Maggie's story is, of course, tied up with Liberty.

Blessings to all of you...mak