"Holy of Holies"
About a week ago, I was sitting and contemplating the wonder of Jesus dying on the cross for my sin...He, Who was innocent of all sin, took on the sin of the world...how horrible...all the murders, tortures, rapes, adultery, lies, deceit...all the nastiness of mankind was heaped on Jesus.
This thinking led me on to the fact that the veil of the temple was torn in two...commentators estimate the veil had to be around 30 feet high and around 4 inches thick. It was torn open so that we, God's children, could enter the Holy of Holies. We gained direct access to our Father God, not having to go through a priest because of what Jesus did on the cross.
That led me to the thought of how the high priest, just once a year entered the Holy of Holies after a purification process and also with a silver cord around one ankle in case God was displeased with him, and struck him dead. He could then be pulled out, as no one else was allowed to go in.
That led me to think about how casually I sometimes enter into prayer. When I pray, I enter that most Holy place. May I never...ever...take that privilege that was bought for me on a cross for granted! May it never be!