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"Holy of Holies"


About a week ago, I was sitting and contemplating the wonder of Jesus dying on the cross for my sin...He, Who was innocent of all sin, took on the sin of the horrible...all the murders, tortures, rapes, adultery, lies, deceit...all the nastiness of mankind was heaped on Jesus.
This thinking led me on to the fact that the veil of the temple was torn in two...commentators estimate the veil had to be around 30 feet high and around 4 inches thick. It was torn open so that we, God's children, could enter the Holy of Holies. We gained direct access to our Father God, not having to go through a priest because of what Jesus did on the cross.
That led me to the thought of how the high priest, just once a year entered the Holy of Holies after a purification process and also with a silver cord around one ankle in case God was displeased with him, and struck him dead. He could then be pulled out, as no one else was allowed to go in.
That led me to think about how casually I sometimes enter into prayer. When I pray, I enter that most Holy place. May I never...ever...take that privilege that was bought for me on a cross for granted! May it never be!

"More like Christ"


I have been sitting here ruminating on whether I am growing or going backward in my Christian walk. Praise God I determined I am growing. Christianity is not a status quo religion. You cannot “maintain” your Christian walk. Either you are growing closer to God or moving away from Him.

I have come to realize that even putting someone else down is not what God desires in us. That being said, I want to apologize for my negativity about our president and the present administration.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:22: “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.”

I know some of you reading this are going to say, “Oh brother, that’s taking it a bit far.” But, actually it is not. I looked up the word Raca, which is Aramaic, and means calling someone stupid or idiot. Denigrating another human, no matter who they are is not acceptable. That human is made in the likeness of God, and if Jesus said it, I am not to gloss over that fact and go my merry way.

Walking closer to my Savior, I am realizing how woefully ignorant I am. I also realize how separated our society and culture and even the church is from what God intended. I am to put on truth and try to emulate Jesus.



I've been mulling over a conversation I had last weekend with one of my daughters-in-law. We met in Oregon for the first of my grandchildren to get married. She was saying that to speak give way to the ills surrounding us it a deception, to not speak hope is to lie because it is not true. As Christians we have a hope...hope eternal.

I have been thinking and ruminating on the conversation, and it's true. Chaos can reign in the world, but I have peace in my inner temperature that is not affected by the circumstances surrounding me. Because my hope lies in Christ, I can look at the evilness of the times and know there is nothing new under the sun just as Solomon said. I also know Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

As Christians we are not left hopeless. We are joint heirs with Christ as Romans 8 declares if we are led by the Spirit of God. I choose to speak seek God's plan of hope and spread the Good News that God is still on the throne, His plans are being worked out in the hearts of people as Ephesians 1:9 says: He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He set forth in Him (Christ). We have a hope greater than any of the unholy madness in our world...This world is not my home...I'm just passing through!



Christmas is nearly here. Amid all the bustle of getting ready for family, I'm sitting here contemplating the fact that I love God, but not nearly the way I should. I think about my failures and lack of good sense...comments I've made that would have been better unsaid. It is a truism that none of us love enough. As I think about this, I realize the greatest truth in the universe is not that I love God, but that He loves me. God's very nature is love. I do not work to get is simply there. I do try to be a delight to Him...He who gave His son to this world that we might know more of who He is. He who created a path for us to enjoy fellowship. All that He is, is ours...He is love. My prayer this morning is that I can be love to those around me, that I can be a reflection of that perfect love that He is.

"By His Stripes"


Just sitting here thinking about how great our God is. His love is unfathomable. He created matter and all that He created was good. The very spikes that fastened Jesus to the cross were held together by God, who is the author of physics. I cannot begin to imagine the suffering of both God and Jesus as He hung there. The physical pain would be unbelievable, but can you imagine the sin of the world, past, present, and future heaped on someone who was totally innocent of all sin and iniquity? I think of when I sin and how badly I feel. I cannot imagine the loathsome, odious, repulsiveness of the sin of the world laid on Jesus. I've memoriized Isaiah 53. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities. The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him and by His stripes, we are healed. Another verse says, But the Lord (God) was pleased to crush Him putting HIm to grief, if He would render Himself as a guilt offering. All that for us. I have four sons, and I cannot imagine giving even one of them up for the sins of someone else. God is love and in Him there is no darkness. We are so priveledged to be called children of God. I would ask you to ponder anew the wonder of God's love. This season of advent, let the love of God flow through you to touch the lives of those around you. Let them see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. Hallelujah! I am a child of the King!

"A Prayer"


Luke 11:1 Lord, teach me to pray.

Father, I come before You asking that You empower me by Your Spirit that the humility of Christ might be evident in my relationships with others. May I do nothing out of selfishness but truly consider others better than myself and look out for the interests of those You have placed in my life. Father, this is so against my nature!

Forgive me, Father, for I confess that often my involvement in the needs of others is based on my own comfort or if it’s convenient for me. How selfish I am, Lord! Teach me what it means to love sacrificially, I love like Jesus, to serve like Jesus! Teach me this way.

May I extend grace and mercy to others as You, Father, have extended grace and mercy to me. Destroy pride in my life in all of its ugly forms: the need to have my own way, to be heard, to be right, to be noticed and appreciated, excusing sin in my me to be keenly aware of the ways that I exalt myself, and may I instead exalt Christ.

Your Word promises that You will guide the humble in what is right—I want to be guided by You! I choose this day to submit to the promptings of Your Holy Spirit, to not resist His work in my life, and to humble myself under Your mighty hand that You might lift me up in due time as You see fit. May the refining fire of the Holy Spirit have full reign in my life this day that I might be a useable vessel for the purposes of Your Kingdom. And my I be an extension of Your love and mercy to those who are burdened with the cares and brokenness of this world and are in desperate need of the Savior. I ask these things in His Mighty Name. Amen.

(Taken from Connection Devotions for Everyday Life Harvest Prayer Ministries)”



Our God is ineffable…there are no words to describe Him.

I have been reading A.W. Tozer’s “Knowledge of the Holy”, and it brings home to me the greatness, the wonder, the majesty of God, Himself. What a Creator, and He’s always creating. My heart is full and overflows in worship to our Almighty God.



In these uncertain times, it is of real comfort to know that God is still on the throne. As I write this, the Corona Virus is ravaging our world. Can we find peace? Can we find comfort in the midst of the storm? We certainly can. Jesus told us He would leave us with His peace…peace not as the world gives, but peace as a gift from God. Still your heart before Him, and let His peace fill your heart.”

"2020 The New Year"


A new year and our country is being torn apart by politics and political gain. Some of us have gone through a horrible experience or have lost a loved one. Perhaps our health is declining. It’s a crazy world, but we can have peace amidst the chaos. Our God is in control. If you are a Christian, a true believer in Jesus Christ as your Savior, you can have the assurance that everything that comes your way is filtered by God’s Almighty Hand. There is nothing too big or too small for Him to care about. If you’ve been injured in any way, be sure God was right there with you. All the trials and experiences we go through help us to be stronger and able to minister to those going through a similar experience. We may not like it, we may not understand, but we can rest in the knowledge that God will use those hard times to somehow further His kingdom



The word integrity is beginning to fade from our language, and the concept of integrity is fast disappearing. Dishonesty, in our world today, seemingly is all right as long as we get away with it. It is interesting to note that those who laugh at dishonesty get quite angry when they are victims of it.

Questions to ask ourselves for self exploratory spiritual surgery: Am I honest? Can my words be trusted? Do I walk a path of integrity? Do I try to deceive if the situation seems to warrant it? Do I gossip about things told to me in confidence? A big question is, “How does God view me?”

My desire is for each of us to walk in integrity,…a child of the king…with our eyes clear and our heads held high.



As a Christian, a life-principle is generosity. Generosity comes in many forms. Some people are generous because they enjoy the warm fuzzy feelings their generosity engenders. Some are generous because they don’t want or need what they are giving away.

It is important for every Christian to recognize that everything we possess is not ouirs. All of it belongs to God. This realization puts everything into perspective…it is putting God in His place and us in ours. Each of us has a job to manage His possessions in a manner pleasing to Him.

There is a big difference in what ones needs are and what ones wants are. God has promised to see to our needs but our wants? That is a different thing.

As Christians, living in a culture of me-ism, we need to be sure that we are not generous for the good feelings that being generous brings, but that the whole purpose is to bless someone. Never be generous in order to get a blessing, you must be generous to be a blessing.

My Prayer


I love You Father.

What an awesome Father You are!

Thank You most of all for the sacrifice You made in giving the life of Your son so that we might have relationship with You. What agony for both of You! What joy as He rose from the grave! 

As You know, I have four sons that You have given me, and I would not give one of them up for the sins of others. The love You have bestowed upon all of humanity is mind-blowing! I cannot comprehend it, but I am grateful for it.

Thank you for being an intimate God. You care about the slightest thing that happens in my life. You are my buckler and shield, my refuge and my comforter. Thank You for sifting through all that comes my way. There is confidence is knowing that all that happens to me is allowed by You for some purpose.

Thank You that You care for all my needs before a request is on my tongue.

You roll back the clouds to give us warmth from the sun.

You planted the earth with beauty that we might use it and enjoy it.

You water the earth that it might bear and sprout, furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater. Thank You dear Lord.

My prayer this day is that I can be a delight to You.

Help my mind, soul and spirit to be steadfast and strong in You.

"California Fan"


Hi Mary Ann:

Just wanted to let you know we are waiting to see another book about her life.  It was so good and people who have read it want a sequel about her.  I loved the story.  Very gripping. Also enjoy keeping up with all the characters.  Keep  them coming.

Love, Jo Ann

Memorial Day Poem



Took this picture yesterday...the poem, I just wrote. I remember living in Denmark and taking a trip to the WWI and WWII cemeteries in Belgium and France. Tears filled my eyes at the sight of all those crosses, as far as the eye could see...row after row of Americans who died in battle for a freedom so many of us take for granted.



I am blessed beyond measure. I thank God for His love and watchful care over me. What a comfort to have a compassionate Father Who knows our need before we do. Gracious Father, I praise You this morning for your precious gift. Thank You!

"Maggie's Redemption"


Maggie's Redemption is now available. My graphic designer hasn't added the book to this site's profile, yet, but it will be on it soon.

Book ten, not named yet, will be out this fall, and I'm writing number eleven. It's a journey I never thought to take, but I'm enjoying it!

May God's blessing rest on you head, this day! mak

"Maggie's Redemption"


Maggie's Redemption is now on Amazon, and I'll have them April excited to have book 9 out. It's a story about Maggie's life, a different and emotional read! :) mak


"Dang, woman, you're good!!"


Mary, I only have 55 pages left to read in "Eden's Portion"!!!! And I don't want to be finished with it. I LOVE your style of writing, and will be ready for #7 very soon. 

Now if you could just figure out a way to give me the definition of a word when I highlight it, that would be

I read so much on my tablet, and having definitions of words is something I got used to.  Still, I do love holding a REAL book in my hand.

Love you, friend.....and thank you, Lord, for giving Mary her gift of writing!!!



"Maggie's Redemption"


Just a note to let you know that Maggie's Redemption is being edited. I went back to Maggie, Liberty's maid turned friend, in Liberty's Inheritance and Liberty's Land and did a book on her life. My editor wrote to me, saying, "A very different story! Highly dramatic and gripping."

Kind words, but it is a good read. Hoping to have it out by watching for it! 

Anyone who reads my posts are welcome to connect with me on FB...just message me that you have read my blog and would like to connect. Then send me an invitation. I check my FB nearly every day. can make comments here on my blog.

Blessings to you!
