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"Tory's Father is on order!!"


Tory's Father is completed and approved for printing! I am so excited to be able to offer another book before Christmas! Although the price on my site lists the books at $19.99, I've dropped the price on all the books to a flat $15.00 no tax. Shipping usually costs $5.65 to $5.95. I am pumped as I just completed the approval of printing Tory's Father. I should have them by the 5th of December! Tory's Father is my fifth book and a stand alone. I had thought to not include Liberty, but she pops up midway through the book and plays an important role, of course. What's fun for readers of my A Woman of Entitlement series is that in this book Liberty is only 21 and married to the contemptible Armand Bouvier...the year is 1875. Enjoy...enjoy!!!