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"More like Christ"


I have been sitting here ruminating on whether I am growing or going backward in my Christian walk. Praise God I determined I am growing. Christianity is not a status quo religion. You cannot “maintain” your Christian walk. Either you are growing closer to God or moving away from Him.

I have come to realize that even putting someone else down is not what God desires in us. That being said, I want to apologize for my negativity about our president and the present administration.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:22: “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.”

I know some of you reading this are going to say, “Oh brother, that’s taking it a bit far.” But, actually it is not. I looked up the word Raca, which is Aramaic, and means calling someone stupid or idiot. Denigrating another human, no matter who they are is not acceptable. That human is made in the likeness of God, and if Jesus said it, I am not to gloss over that fact and go my merry way.

Walking closer to my Savior, I am realizing how woefully ignorant I am. I also realize how separated our society and culture and even the church is from what God intended. I am to put on truth and try to emulate Jesus.