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I've been mulling over a conversation I had last weekend with one of my daughters-in-law. We met in Oregon for the first of my grandchildren to get married. She was saying that to speak give way to the ills surrounding us it a deception, to not speak hope is to lie because it is not true. As Christians we have a hope...hope eternal.

I have been thinking and ruminating on the conversation, and it's true. Chaos can reign in the world, but I have peace in my inner temperature that is not affected by the circumstances surrounding me. Because my hope lies in Christ, I can look at the evilness of the times and know there is nothing new under the sun just as Solomon said. I also know Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

As Christians we are not left hopeless. We are joint heirs with Christ as Romans 8 declares if we are led by the Spirit of God. I choose to speak seek God's plan of hope and spread the Good News that God is still on the throne, His plans are being worked out in the hearts of people as Ephesians 1:9 says: He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He set forth in Him (Christ). We have a hope greater than any of the unholy madness in our world...This world is not my home...I'm just passing through!