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Christmas is nearly here. Amid all the bustle of getting ready for family, I'm sitting here contemplating the fact that I love God, but not nearly the way I should. I think about my failures and lack of good sense...comments I've made that would have been better unsaid. It is a truism that none of us love enough. As I think about this, I realize the greatest truth in the universe is not that I love God, but that He loves me. God's very nature is love. I do not work to get is simply there. I do try to be a delight to Him...He who gave His son to this world that we might know more of who He is. He who created a path for us to enjoy fellowship. All that He is, is ours...He is love. My prayer this morning is that I can be love to those around me, that I can be a reflection of that perfect love that He is.