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My Prayer


I love You Father.

What an awesome Father You are!

Thank You most of all for the sacrifice You made in giving the life of Your son so that we might have relationship with You. What agony for both of You! What joy as He rose from the grave! 

As You know, I have four sons that You have given me, and I would not give one of them up for the sins of others. The love You have bestowed upon all of humanity is mind-blowing! I cannot comprehend it, but I am grateful for it.

Thank you for being an intimate God. You care about the slightest thing that happens in my life. You are my buckler and shield, my refuge and my comforter. Thank You for sifting through all that comes my way. There is confidence is knowing that all that happens to me is allowed by You for some purpose.

Thank You that You care for all my needs before a request is on my tongue.

You roll back the clouds to give us warmth from the sun.

You planted the earth with beauty that we might use it and enjoy it.

You water the earth that it might bear and sprout, furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater. Thank You dear Lord.

My prayer this day is that I can be a delight to You.

Help my mind, soul and spirit to be steadfast and strong in You.