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"A Prayer"


Luke 11:1 Lord, teach me to pray.

Father, I come before You asking that You empower me by Your Spirit that the humility of Christ might be evident in my relationships with others. May I do nothing out of selfishness but truly consider others better than myself and look out for the interests of those You have placed in my life. Father, this is so against my nature!

Forgive me, Father, for I confess that often my involvement in the needs of others is based on my own comfort or if it’s convenient for me. How selfish I am, Lord! Teach me what it means to love sacrificially, I love like Jesus, to serve like Jesus! Teach me this way.

May I extend grace and mercy to others as You, Father, have extended grace and mercy to me. Destroy pride in my life in all of its ugly forms: the need to have my own way, to be heard, to be right, to be noticed and appreciated, excusing sin in my me to be keenly aware of the ways that I exalt myself, and may I instead exalt Christ.

Your Word promises that You will guide the humble in what is right—I want to be guided by You! I choose this day to submit to the promptings of Your Holy Spirit, to not resist His work in my life, and to humble myself under Your mighty hand that You might lift me up in due time as You see fit. May the refining fire of the Holy Spirit have full reign in my life this day that I might be a useable vessel for the purposes of Your Kingdom. And my I be an extension of Your love and mercy to those who are burdened with the cares and brokenness of this world and are in desperate need of the Savior. I ask these things in His Mighty Name. Amen.

(Taken from Connection Devotions for Everyday Life Harvest Prayer Ministries)”