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Liberty's Inheritance


Liberty's Inheritance


Raised in elegance, sent to the best boarding schools money could buy, Liberty Bouvier returns from Switzerland to find herself a bargaining chip. Married off to a complete stranger, she is released from her commitment by his untimely death. With the help of her lawyer, Elijah Humphries, Libby tries to flee from her past seeking to build a new life away from Boston.

Meanwhile, there are questions to be answered. Elijah Humphries joins forces with Chief Inspector George Baxter to find Bouvier’s murderer. A hidden secret is discovered which could change Liberty’s life...forever.

Set in the 1880’s, Liberty’s Inheritance, is the first in the series, A Woman of Entitlement. Join author Mary Ann Kerr in her tale of deceit, murder, love, grace, and—ultimately—freedom.

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